Liz Khoo · UX Design

Time To Value

Using design to create a business case

Admin 360 Home Concept

Mapped Customer Journey from 40 Interviews

Prioritization Based on Pain Point Concentration

Solution Principles, inspired by customer verbatims

Gather planning tools in a workspace

Cloud (product) specific configuration via a guided wizard

Understand products available and what still needs to be configured

In-app walkthroughs for end users become reusable learning modules

Task based search calls up actions like a command line

Take action on search results within the search page

See product specific performance and adoption metrics to understand how to optimize Salesforce for end users


Design Lead, Program Manager




Fall-Winter 2019


Service Design, Business Case, Vision


Business Case, Customer Journey, Pain Point Discovery, Prioritized Next Steps, Design Principles

Time To Value as a phrase represents a big, hairy, audacious problem that no one group at Salesforce is tasked with owning. As part of a crack team of two, myself plus a researcher, we looked sideways across the business, across product team silos, and developed a business case and vision for fixing the amount of time that it takes for customers to get value out of our product. (Hence the phrase, “time to value”.)