Liz Khoo · UX Design

Properties Panel

Redesigning a pattern in Salesforce Flow

Proposed drill in pattern for conditional logic input


Design Lead


Summer 2019


Component Design


Design Audit reference; Exploratory designs

Among Salesforce’s builder tools, there are many different variations for panel drill-ins. The contents of a panel in a builder are primarily forms, meaning text inputs.

I worked on an exploration for developing a new pattern for builder panels, with the goal of being able to encompass the different forms of our different builders (a logic configuration vs. marketing configuration, for example.)

This work entailed an audit of interaction patterns on other products and a few rounds of designs. However, in the end this feature was deprioritized and did not make it to production.

Outlining the current problems with our property panels

UX Audit: summary of form factors

UX audit: key takeaways on opening interactions

UX audit: key takeaways on element naming

UX audit: key takeaways on saving/done interactions

Example one page summary excerpt of a Salesforce product in the UX audit

Example one page summary excerpt of a competitor's product in the UX audit

A design "stress test" of an interaction for element naming that flips between read only and edit mode

Another design exploration: inline editing of element name

Moving secondary actions into an overflow menu

Splitting actions into the toolbar and panel footer

Drill in pattern exploration

Representing for field sets, such as conditional logic inputs